neděle 9. 2. 2025
"Jóga jako uchopení, pochopení a rozvinutí přítomnosti, bod, kde se možné stává skutečným."
- magisterské studium Indologie FFUK - Advanced Yoga Therapy Certification RYT 500 v Paramanand Yoga Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research India – the Member of Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Indian Yoga, pod vedením Dr. Ómánanda Bavédži - Hatha Yoga Teacher RYT 200 by Yoga Alliance (200 hours of in-class instruction and 100 hours of independent study. Areas of study: yoga technique, teaching methodology , anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy, ethics, history, lifestyle and teaching experience.) - Osvědčení o rekvalifikaci ve vzdělávacím programu „Instruktor hatha jógy“ akreditovaném MŠMT dle vyhl. č. 540/2004 Sb. - Yoga Therapy Teachers Certification by Paramanand Yoga Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research India, the Member of Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Indian Yoga - Yoga Teachers Training RYT 200 by Yoga Alliance v Paramanand Yoga Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research India, the Member of Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Indian Yoga - Chid Shakti Meditation – Teachers Training Level 1 Certification, PIYS India - Yoga and Psychotherapy Certification, Paramanand Yoga Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research India – the Member of Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Indian Yoga - Certified Prenatal Yoga Teacher (Yoga Education Institute, Western Florida) - Certified Chakra Therapist (RB Academy, Los Angels, California, Coach: Dharmadevi Romano) - Tantra: Foundation for Practice Course (Himalayan Institute, Sandra Anderson) - Certified Kids Yoga Teacher (Yoga Education Institute, Western Florida)